Trains to Chamonix
You can get a full itinerary at or the Swiss site
Trains from Geneva airport to St. Gervais
Getting from the airport to Chamonix by train is quite a mission. First you have to take a train from the airport to the ‘Genève-Eaux-Vives’. From here, you can get the train to Annemasse, La Roche-sur-Foron, Cluses, Sallanches and Saint Gervais. Here you’ll have to change trains again to go to Chamonix. All in all, you can expect the journey to take about 2.5 hours, which is twice as long as transfers take to bring you from Geneva to Chamonix.
Schedule valid from 11/12/11 to 07/07/12
- Click here for the full time timetable.
Trains from Annecy to St. Gervais
- Click here for the full timetable.
Trains from Lyon to St. Gervais
- Click here for the full timetable.